A Profession With A Future

Life coaching is the second fastest growing industry in the world, and the industry is expected to keep growing at about a 5.4% growth rate.

Two opportunities exist. First is to establish a coaching practice. Second is to be hired by an organization as an internal coach. 86% of organizations that employ coaches report a positive ROI on coaching and 96% said they would be interested in repeating the process.

We offer two pathways to capitalizing on these opportunities.

  • One is to become a Certified Professional Empowerment Coach. To learn about this option - click here.
  • The second is to complete our Empowerment Impact Coach training - which is explained below.
To Register for our next EIC Training beginning
August 13, 2024  - Click Here

Empowerment Impact Coach Training

EIC Training includes 12 online 90-minute workshops that focus on helping you learn 5 coaching skills. These workshops are scheduled every 2 weeks. Beginning week 4, you will participate in 10 weekly Coaching Practicum Sessions, facilitated by a Mentor Coach. You will also have 5 individual practice sessions with your Mentor Coach. These sessions utilize a structured practice critique format that has you alternating in the roles of coach, client, and observer.

This training has 2 purposes...

  • First is to help participants broaden their understanding of the process and skills that shape the discipline of coaching.
  • Second is to enable participants to practice, practice, practice their coaching skills and deepen their understanding of how to apply what they have learned.

This training is for those who want to learn and significantly improve their coaching skills, but do not want to begin an extensive certification program at this point.

For More Information - Click Here

"This was a very hands-on training that allowed us to immediately put into practice what we were being taught. By actually coaching and being coached, I was able to see how valuable this service is." -- LN, Grand Rapids, MI

"This is outstanding training. I have been to other coaching training. This is much more thorough and comprehensive. It gave me a solid basis for coaching that can be used in many situations. Thank you!" -- RB, Grand Rapids, MI-